「來是偶然,走是必然」這段話刻在二呆藝館後門牆面上,謂為趙同和的人生觀,而另一側的「偶到人間一遊」詩文,與之呼應著。趙同和的「偶到」一詞,內含了「我」、偶然、偶爾與輪迴,引以為題,說明了他及二呆藝館的過去、現在及未來。 趙同和,為名流望族之後,來臺前後皆曾任政府公職。看似平步青雲的政壇生涯,卻反思公務體系的運作,遂於55歲時提前退休。起伏的一生造就超然的處世態度,他的詩文時而對人生豁達、時而展現孤高風範。
On February 13, 1995, Zhao Tong-he died at Erdai Art Hall in Penghu. On the 20th anniversary of his death this year, the theme of the special exhibition will be "plum blossoms" – the Chinese character from which his nickname "Erdai" derives. The theme will then be extended to the ideal paradise he had in mind.
The sentence "Coming is occasional, leaving is inevitable" inscribed on the wall at the back door of Erdai Art Hall can be regarded as Zhao Tong-he’s philosophy of life. It corresponds to the poem "Traveling into the World on Occasion" on the other side. The word "occasional" implies the meanings of "I," "once in a while," "sometimes," and "cycle of rebirth." The theme explains the past, present, and future of the artist and Erdai Art Hall.Zhao Tong-he, born into a noble family, had served in the government before and after coming to Taiwan. Although seemingly having a promising political career, he reflected upon the operation of the public service system before retiring early at the age of 55. His aloofness to the world is presented in his poems and other works, sometimes being open-minded, and sometimes being proud and independent.
「來是偶然,走是必然」這段話刻在二呆藝館後門牆面上,謂為趙同和的人生觀,而另一側的「偶到人間一遊」詩文,與之呼應著。趙同和的「偶到」一詞,內含了「我」、偶然、偶爾與輪迴,引以為題,說明了他及二呆藝館的過去、現在及未來。 趙同和,為名流望族之後,來臺前後皆曾任政府公職。看似平步青雲的政壇生涯,卻反思公務體系的運作,遂於55歲時提前退休。起伏的一生造就超然的處世態度,他的詩文時而對人生豁達、時而展現孤高風範。
On February 13, 1995, Zhao Tong-he died at Erdai Art Hall in Penghu. On the 20th anniversary of his death this year, the theme of the special exhibition will be "plum blossoms" – the Chinese character from which his nickname "Erdai" derives. The theme will then be extended to the ideal paradise he had in mind.
The sentence "Coming is occasional, leaving is inevitable" inscribed on the wall at the back door of Erdai Art Hall can be regarded as Zhao Tong-he’s philosophy of life. It corresponds to the poem "Traveling into the World on Occasion" on the other side. The word "occasional" implies the meanings of "I," "once in a while," "sometimes," and "cycle of rebirth." The theme explains the past, present, and future of the artist and Erdai Art Hall.Zhao Tong-he, born into a noble family, had served in the government before and after coming to Taiwan. Although seemingly having a promising political career, he reflected upon the operation of the public service system before retiring early at the age of 55. His aloofness to the world is presented in his poems and other works, sometimes being open-minded, and sometimes being proud and independent.
趙同和於1917年出生於江蘇,姚夢谷在〈詩人畫家趙二呆〉一文中對他的小名---二呆,做了完善的說明:「因為是早春誕生,與梅同時。梅的古寫是『槑』,他在昆仲中排行第二,據說小時有點傻氣,故而以二呆自號。此外,有人說他逢『名』『利』場,其呆無比;供『詩』與『藝』,其樂無窮;樂此不疲,終日如癡如醉,望之如呆漢。」(原刊民國60年6月,《中外》180期) 有時候趙同和會在畫作旁署名「二呆」字,有時會蓋上「槑」章。無論是二呆、還是槑,「呆」字為趙同和一生自命與自嘲的符號。
Zhao Tong-he was born in Jiangsu in 1917. In "Poet and Painter Zhao Erdai," Yao Meng-gu explains the nickname Erdai well: "Zhao was born in early spring, coinciding with the blossoming of the plums. The ancient Chinese character for plum blossom is "mei" (which contains a double "dai" character in it), while he is the second oldest sibling in his family. Moreover, he was quite silly when he was little. Therefore, he called himself Erdai. It was said that he would look dumb at social occasions, but was obsessed with poetry and arts. He was so absorbed in arts that he seemed like a silly man." (Chung-Wai Literary Monthly 180 (June 1971).Sometimes Zhao Tong-e signed the name "Erdai" in his works and sometimes "mei" (double “dais”), both of which were symbols of his deprecation of himself and his times.
Through the refinement of culture for thousands of years, plum blossoms transformed from a topic of literature and painting into a Chinese cultural value. The earliest work about plum blossoms is "Biao You Mei, The Odes of Shao and the South, Lessons from the States," Shi Jing (Classic of Poetry): this poem describes the fruit instead of the blossom, but it sets up the trends of the meanings of plum blossoms in later generations by signifying women’s proper age of marriage with plums. In the Southern Dynasties, large numbers of literary works celebrated people’s appreciation for plum blossoms. It is noteworthy that "Ode to Plum Blossoms" written by Emperor Jianwen of Liang Xiao Gang (503-511) first describes the style of plum blossoms and then a woman pitying herself while appreciating the blossoms. The association between plum blossoms and the beauty established new painting topics for later generations. In the Song Dynasties, especially in the Southern Song, the position of plum blossoms in the intellectuals’ mind had been ascertained. "Little Plum Blossom of Hill Garden" written by Lin Bu (967-1028) during the Northern Song points out that plum blossoms are as aloof as "I." When all the other flowers wither, plum blossoms still stand alone. The vivid image described in this work: "Their scattered shadows fall lightly on clear water,/their subtle scent pervades the moonlit dusk" would be converted into artistic works in the future.Because the history, geographical location, and social milieu of the Southern Song were similar to those in the Six Dynasties, the culture of plum blossom appreciation rose to a peak. Fan Cheng-da (1126-1193)’s Fan Cun Mei Pu was the first book specifically on plums, recording varieties of plum trees. The preface points out the important status of plum blossoms in the Southern Song by referring to plum blossoms as "the most wonderful things in the world, an opinion agreed by the intellectual, the noble, the dumb, and the unworthy alike. Those who learn gardening shall plant as many plum blossoms as possible." In the Post Script, Fan seems to determine the style of plum blossom painting for the later generations by indicating that "plum blossoms distinguish themselves with their noble styles, so those with old, thin, and oblique branches are better."
Through the refinement of culture for thousands of years, plum blossoms transformed from a topic of literature and painting into a Chinese cultural value. The earliest work about plum blossoms is "Biao You Mei, The Odes of Shao and the South, Lessons from the States," Shi Jing (Classic of Poetry): this poem describes the fruit instead of the blossom, but it sets up the trends of the meanings of plum blossoms in later generations by signifying women’s proper age of marriage with plums. In the Southern Dynasties, large numbers of literary works celebrated people’s appreciation for plum blossoms. It is noteworthy that "Ode to Plum Blossoms" written by Emperor Jianwen of Liang Xiao Gang (503-511) first describes the style of plum blossoms and then a woman pitying herself while appreciating the blossoms. The association between plum blossoms and the beauty established new painting topics for later generations. In the Song Dynasties, especially in the Southern Song, the position of plum blossoms in the intellectuals’ mind had been ascertained. "Little Plum Blossom of Hill Garden" written by Lin Bu (967-1028) during the Northern Song points out that plum blossoms are as aloof as "I." When all the other flowers wither, plum blossoms still stand alone. The vivid image described in this work: "Their scattered shadows fall lightly on clear water,/their subtle scent pervades the moonlit dusk" would be converted into artistic works in the future.Because the history, geographical location, and social milieu of the Southern Song were similar to those in the Six Dynasties, the culture of plum blossom appreciation rose to a peak. Fan Cheng-da (1126-1193)’s Fan Cun Mei Pu was the first book specifically on plums, recording varieties of plum trees. The preface points out the important status of plum blossoms in the Southern Song by referring to plum blossoms as "the most wonderful things in the world, an opinion agreed by the intellectual, the noble, the dumb, and the unworthy alike. Those who learn gardening shall plant as many plum blossoms as possible." In the Post Script, Fan seems to determine the style of plum blossom painting for the later generations by indicating that "plum blossoms distinguish themselves with their noble styles, so those with old, thin, and oblique branches are better."